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stressed layer中文是什么意思

用"stressed layer"造句"stressed layer"怎么读"stressed layer" in a sentence


  • 应力层


  • These interior tensions are caused by the wedging action within the neighboring compressively stressed layers .
  • It indicates that sustainability can only be achieved comparatively currently . author presents the criterions to measure the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources based on the sustainable utilization spectrum of agricultural resource capacity . it indicates that only if stress and support layers in the spectrum develop together , and support layer is greater than stress layer , can sustainable utilization of agricultural resources be possibly achieved
    提出了以农业资源承载力为中心的农业资源可持续利用图谱和衡量农业资源可持续利用的判据? ?利用度和可持续利用度,认为只有压力层和支持层共同发展,而且支持层发展要大于压力层发展,农业资源才能实现可持续利用。
用"stressed layer"造句  
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